Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Physiological Properties of Water


Water constitutes around 70% of the earth’s surface being the most abundant compound that is available on the planet. It is often referred to as a universal solvent as many substances tend to dissolve in water. In the figure below, we can see the molecular binding of water molecules.Water in our body plays a major role in performing various function which are important for day to day activities that carries inside the body. Physiological properties deals with the functioning of water inside the tissues and the organs.Let us discuss in brief.

The Physiological Properties of Water

  • Water makes up most of the body's weight.
  • It carries helps in transporting of substances inside body cells with the circulatory system.
  • It helps in excretion. The waste materials present inside the body can be removed by filtration through kidneys. Water plays an important role in excreting out these toxic materials.
  • It helps the cells to gain dissolved oxygen.
  • It helps when the body gets dehydrated.
  • Our skin contains water. During any disease, when the water content inside the body is affected, hormones like ADH, aldosterone helps in regulating the water content of the body.
  • Water gets inside our body through stomach, intestinal canal, then it reaches the blood and the volume gets increased and which in fact raises the vessels of circulatory system. Water makes the blood dilute and hence the circulation becomes fast.
  • It is excreted or expelled by skin, lungs, kidneys, and intestines.  Due to solvent action, it helps in dissolving  a variety of poisonous products of  tissues.
  • It helps in urinary excretion where the waste material urea is excreted, which is formed by kidney.
  • We should drink a lot of water that produces copious perspiration along with urinary excretion.
  • It also helps in preventing constipation problems related to improper bowel movement.

Conclusion for the Physiological Properties of Water

From the discussion on the psychological properties of water, we conclude that water is an essential substance for life on the planet earth as it not only makes up 55-78% of the human body but also is very important source of life to plants and animals. We also came across the importance of water inside our body cells.

Properties of Aqueous Acids


Solution in which the solvent is water is an aqueous solution. In chemical equations it is represented by appending (aq) to the relevant formula. The other synonyms of aqueous are similar to , pertaining to, related to, or dissolved in water. In chemistry water is the omnipresent solvent as it is an excellent solvent as well as it is available in abundance in nature.

Properties of Aqueous Acids

  • Aqueous acids has a sour taste
  • Acids strong in nature and high in concentrations are responsible for harsh or strong feeling on noses
  • To indicators it reacts turning methyl orange  & blue litmus red, color of phenolphthalein does not change
  • Hydrogen & metal salt is produced on reaction with metals
  • Produces water, salt & CO2 on reaction with metal carbonates.
       Let us take an example as
NaOH + HCl   `->` NaCl + H2O
In the above reaction, the H+ from aqueous acid HCl and the OH- from the base NaOH, reacts to produce water molecule.Infact this reaction is also termed as neutralization reaction, as an aqueous acid acts upon with a base to produce or to give water and salt.
  • Water & salt is produced on reaction with a base
  • Produces water and a salt on reaction with metal oxide
  • Depending on the dissociation (degree) will conduct electricity
  • Hydronium (H3O+) ions (solvonium ions) are produced in water
  • Responsible for denaturing proteins

Reaction of Acid and Water

Common aqueous acids, from weakest to strongest are acetic acid (CH3COOH) , carbonic acid (H2CO3) , hydrochloric acid (HCl).
H2O + HCl `->` H3O++ Cl-
In dilute water solutions of strong acids like perchloric, hydrochloric and sulfuric, act essentially as solutions of H3Oions and the acidity gains in relation to the concentration. At greater concentrations, more than one molar (which is, one mole acid for each litre of the solution), yet, the acidity, as considered or measured by the action on catalytic ability or the indicators, increases much quickly than the given concentration. For an example, if we consider 10 molar solution of some strong acid, then it is about 1,000 times as acidic as a 1 molar solution.

Conclusion for of Aqueous Acids

From the discussion, we conclude that aqueous acids play an important role in laboratory experiments and research and they have unique properties as listed above.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Pressure Volume Temperature Relationship

Gas molecules are in constant motion.In a container the number of molecules are colliding with the walls of the container.This creates pressure.The gas molecules also occupy certain space.This is volume.

Introduction to pressure volume temperature relationship

Out of three phases of a substance i.e solid ,liquid and gas,only the gas phase exhibits the properties of pressure and volume distinctively that their correlation could be developed.
  • Boyle was the first person to study and establish the correlation between pressure and volume of a gas.He noticed that ,at constant temperature,the volume of a gas varies inversely with the pressure.In a container,if the pressure on the gas is increased,the gas gets suppressed,in turn reducing the volume.So more the pressure,less the volume.He put it as under,
At constant temperature,
P=k / V  where k is constant.

Charles' Law Shows Relationship between Volume and Temperature

  • Charles developed equation to find the relationship between the temperature and volume.
It says that at constant pressure,the volume of a gas is directly proportional to the temperature.
V `alpha`

Universal Gas Law and Ideal Gas Law Shows Relationship between Pressure Volume and Temperature

  • Boyle's and Charles's law when combined,give us universal gas law,
What is the presure at 200k ,volume 1 L, if at 1 atm and 300k the volume is 2 l.?
1 x 2/300=P2 x 2/200
P2= 0.666 atm
This is the correlation between pressure ,volume and temperature.It is very useful in determining the value of any of the missing parameter if the other are known.
  • Further more detail attempts were made and this correlation could be found for given number of quantity of a gas.Therefore,for a given number of moles of a gas,


where n is number of moles of a gas,R is gas constant and T is temperature.This is the ideal gas law.
It may be remembered here that all this laws are meant to be in ideal conditions.In practice there always will be deviation.
Avogadro's number gives us relation between the number of moles/number of molecules and the volume.Thus from the above equation,pressure,or volume of a gas can be calculated if either of the number of moles/number of molecules is known.

Determining the Molar Volume of a Gas

Measurable Properties of Gases:

A gas is said to be a state of matter which can be differentiated from solid and liquid due to its relatively low density, viscosity, and its ability to contract and expand or diffuse with respect to change in the temperature and pressure. The characteristics of the gases can be described using four important properties, which are collectively termed as called as the measurable properties of gases.

The measurable properties of gases are
1.Volume of the gas
2. Pressure of the gas
3. Temperature of the gas
4. Amount of the gas (mass)


Volume which is one of the measurable property of the gas is denoted by the letter 'V'. It is expressed in litres(L) , milliliters(mL), cubic centimeters(cm3),  cubic metres(dm3)  and cubic decimetres(dm3).
1litre = 1000 millilitres  , 1 millilitre = 1cubic centimetre and 1 cubic metre = 1000 cubic centimetre
1L  = 1dm3 = 10–3 m3   = 1000 mL = 1000000 cm3
The volume of the gas depends on the pressure, temperature and the amount of gas present.The measurement of volume of gas requires the measurement of volume of the container in which the gas is present.


Pressure is the next important measurable property of the gas which is denoted by the letter 'P'. Pressure of the gas is the force exerted by the gas per unit area.It depends on the kinetic energy of the molecules. As the kinetic energy inturn depends on temperature, the pressure is directly proportional to the temperature of the gas.
Pressure (P) = Force/Area = (Mass) (Acceleration)/Area
Pressure is commonly expressed in atmospheres, mm of Hg, torr, bar, and K.Pa.
1atm = 760mm of Hg = 760 torr = 1.01325 bar = 101.325 kPa = 101.326 x 103 N m-2  
Pressure of the gas can be measured by Barometer.    


The temperature of the gas is denoted by  the letter 'T'.The temperature of a gas depends on the kinetic energy of the gas.The gases  expand on increasing the temperature.The temperature of the gas is generally expressed in Fahrenheit (Fo), Centigrade degree (oC)  or celsius degree and Kelvin (K).
   K = oC + 273  and oC/5 = Fo–32/9
The temperature is measured by the help of a Thermometer.

Amount of gas

Amount of gas or the mass is a measurable property of the gas.The mass of the gas is related to the number of moles of the gas. The mass of the gas is generally expressed in kilograms(Kg) or grams(g).
number of moles (n) = mass of the gas/ molar mass of the gas
                                    n = m/M
The mass of the gas can be found through weighing. The mass of the gas can be obtained by subtracting the mass of the container in which the gas is present from the total mass.

Determining The Molar Volume of a Gas:

The Ideal gas law states that,
Where P is pressure,V is volume, n is number of moles,R is gas constant and T is temperature.
At STP,which means standard temperature and pressure,the values of  temperature and pressure are 273 K [0 C] and 1 atm respectively.
If these values are substituted,we get,
also substitute n= one mole and substitute value of  R= 0.082 Liter-Atmospheres per Mole-Degree Kelvin,
we get,
V=22.4 L
So one mole of a gas at STP would occupy 22.4L of volume.This is called as molar volume of a gas.
So irrespective of a gas,its one mole would occupy 22.4L of volume.

Illustration on Determining the Molar Volume of a Gas :

Find the volume of 88g of CO2 at STP.
First find moles of CO2. in 88g of CO2.
Moles=Mass in g/Molar mass
=2 moles
Volume of 2 moles= 2 x 22.4
=44.8 L
The volume of oxygen gas at STP is 128 L.Find the number of moles.
Now the molar mass of oxygen is 32.
So 32g would ocuupy 22.4 L
128 g would occupy 128 x 22.4 /32
=4 x 22.4
=89.6 L

Determining Molar Volume and the Number of Molecules of Gas

Avogadro further determined that a mole of a gas at STP contains 6.022 x 1023 molecules.
The determination of the molar volume of 22.4 L and the number of molecules i.e. 6.022 x 1023  and the number of molecules i.e. 6.022 x 1023 at STP,brought out a revolution in the study of gases as well as other phases.
Let us consider an example.
Find out the number of molecules in   128g of oxygen gas at pressure 1 atm and temperature 2730K.
Let us find the number of moles.
Moles=Mass in g/molar mass
Now one mole of a gas contains 6.022 x 1023
So 4 moles would contain,
4 x 6.022 x 1023
=24.088 x 1023 molecules.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Non Uniform Acceleration

Acceleration of a body is defined as the rate of change of its velocity with time. That is, Acceleration=Change in velocity / time taken. Here, the change in velocity means the difference between the final velocity and the initial velocity. A body has a non-uniform acceleration, if its velocity increases by unequal amounts in equal intervals of time or the velocity change takes place at a non-uniform rate.

Non Uniform Acceleration

Nonuniform acceleration represents the mainly common explanation of activity.
 It refers toward difference within the speed of modify in velocity.
Just locate, it way to speeding up vary through motion. This difference is able to be articulated also within expressions of location (x) otherwise time (t).
We recognize, if we are able to illustrate non-uniform quickening within one dimension, we are capable of simply expand ing the study near two or else three dimensions with composition of activity during element path. Thus, we shall detain ourselves toward the thought of non-uniform to be exact changeable speeding up in one dimension.
We shall explain nonuniform acceleration with terms of speed or else acceleration within expressions of moreover of instance, “t”, or else location, “x”.
We shall believe that the  explanation of nonuniform speeding up through convey acceleration within expressions of speed.  As a substance of information, here it is  able to be assorted potential. In addition, nonuniform acceleration might engross understanding acceleration instance or else velocity instant graphs.

Example for Nonuniform Acceleration

The velocity or speed of a car running on the road in a crowded city continuously changes due to the frequent application of brakes. At one moment the velocity increases whereas at another moment it decreases. So, when the moving body has different accelerations at different points of time during its motion, it is said to have non-uniform acceleration or variable acceleration.
Thus, a body has a nonuniform acceleration if its velocity increases by unequal amounts in equal intervals of time or the velocity change takes place at a non-uniform rate.

Use of Sound Waves

Introduction :
Sound waves are the travelling waves and longitudinal in nature. Sound waves are mechanical waves means they need a material medium for their propagation. When the sound waves travels through the medium, the pressure is exerted at the particular points so that there are two regions created: one is called compression where pressure is more and the density of the medium is more and the other is called rarefaction where the pressure is less and the density of the material is less.

Uses of Sound Waves : Different Types of Sound Waves

Audible sound waves are ranging from 20 Hertz to 20000 hertz. Sound waves having frequency less than the 20 Hertz are called the infrasonic and the sound waves having frequency more than the 20000 hertz are called ultrasonic. 

Uses of Sound Waves

(i) Geologists use the knowledge of sound waves to locate the oil reservoirs inside the earth surface.

(ii) Earthquakes can be detected by the waves travel through different kinds of rocks.

(iii) Sound waves are used in sonar, which can explore the sea bed and the entire sea.

(iv) Bats uses the sonar waves to detect the obstacles in the their path.

(v) Sound waves obey the rules of reflection so they produce echo. Echoes are used in medical fields.

(vi) Ultrasonic sound are used for examining the prenatal scanning.

(vii) Ultrasonic waves can be used to sterilize the delicate and costly instruments. In this process the instrument is suspended in the liquid and the ultrasonic waves pass through the liquid, which makes the liquid particles in the high frequency vibrations so that the surface of the instrument cleans.

(viii) Ultrasonic waves are used to detect the flaws and cracks in the metal sheets.

(ix) Sound waves are used to remove the congestion in lungs. There is a simple medical instrument called lung flute, which break up mucus in the chest cavity.

(x) Sound waves escaping from the Sun’s interior surface create lot of hot gases, which powers the chromospheres.

(xi) Ultrasonic waves are used in the diagnostic sonography, in which we can detect the body structures and the internal organs of the human body. We can detect the tumors by use of the ultrasonic waves.

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Check my best blog States of Matter.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

States of Matter

A state of a substance or matter describes its physical phase and composition. Matter exist in many states but there are three elementary states of matter which we see in our daily life. Let us see what are the three states of matter and examples of the three states of matter through our daily experiences.

Three basic states are: solid, liquid, and gas.

In solid state the particles of matter are closely packed. There is no free movement in the particles of the matter but there can be vibration in them. This is because the internal force of attraction between the particles is very strong. Solids have a fixed shape and volume. These cannot be changed without external pressure or force on them. Examples of these are rocks, ice, wood, sand, iron rod, paper etc.

Liquid is another phase in which a matter exists. An important property of this is that it has a constant volume but its shape is not fixed as it takes the shape of the container in which it is kept. Because of this it is in compressible fluid. In liquid states of matter molecules can move each other and the force of attraction in them is lesser than solids. Examples: water, oil, honey, lemonade, juices, petrol etc.

Gas is the third elementary form in which matter exists. Gaseous molecules have large kinetic energy and can move freely. Gaseous matter does not have fixed volume and shape. Its volume can be increased or decreased with pressure. Inter molecular forces among them are very small. It takes the whole volume of the container in which it is kept. Eg: air, steam, oxygen, co2 etc.

You may sometimes listen to a fourth state of matter. what are the 4 states of matter ? we have seen three elementary states yet, now the fourth state of matter is plasma. This state does not have fixed volume and shape. It is mostly found in ionized from of gas. Plasma is electrically conductive while gas is not. Eg: stars, lightning, etc.

There are seven states of matter till now which have been found. These are: above stated four states, Quark-gluon plasma, Bose-Einstein condensate and Fermionic condensate.
Quark gluon plasma particles move in one direction while in other states particles move in random directions.

Bose Einstein condensates exist when matter is frozen to very low temperature. The atoms of this state overlap on each other. Example-super-fluids and super conductors.
Fermionic condensates are obtained from fermions. This state is related to previous state. These exist in super fluid state.

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