Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halogen Family Characteristics

Halogens are the group of elements present in the seventeenth group of the Periodic Table. This group is also numbered as 7A group. The elements in order are: -
1.Fluorine (Fl)919
2.Chlorine (Cl)1735.5
3.Bromine (Br)3579.9
4.Iodine (I)53126.9
5.Astatine (At)85210

Halogen Family Characteristics:

The halogens are non-metals. They are electronegative elements, since they tend to gain electrons to form negatively charged ions.
They have the highest values of electro-negativity in their respective periods. Fluorine and Chlorine are gases in state,  Bromine is a liquid, and Iodine and Astatine are solids. Astatine is a very unstable element, and it is found rarely in nature.
The Halogens are all strong oxidising agents since they accept electrons to form compounds. They readily and directly combine with electro-positive elements (metals) to form ionic compounds owing to their strong affinity for electrons. Their last shell or the valence shell, contains seven electrons, and in order to complete its octet they need to gain one electron for each atom. This also causes the Halogens to be one of the most highly reactive elements. Examples of compounds formed between Halogens and metals: -
  • Common salt (NaCl) : Reaction Na + Cl → NaCl
  • Lithium Fluoride (LiF): Reaction 2Li + F2 → 2LiF
  • Potassium Bromide (KBr): Reaction 2K + Br2 → 2KBr
Halogens also form covalent compounds:-
  • Hydrochloric acid (HCl): Reaction H2 + Cl2 → 2HCl.
The color of Halogens varies from top to bottom in the group, the top element Fluorine is the lightest colored, being light yellow, and the lowest element Astatine is the darkest, being black in color.

Amplitude Modulation Transmitter

Introduction :
Block diagram of AM transmitter is shown below.

Parts of am Transmitter:

Master Oscillator:-
The master oscillator generates a stable sub harmonic carrier frequency (i.e. the fraction of a desired carrier frequency). This stable sub-harmonic oscillation is generated by using a crystal oscillator and then frequency is raised to the desired value by harmonic generator. The carrier frequency ought to be very stable. Any change in the master oscillator frequency will cause interference with other transmitting stations and receiver will accept programmes from more than one transmitter.
Buffer Amplifier:-
This is a tuned amplifier providing high input impedance at the master oscillator frequency. Any variation in load current does not affect the master oscillator due to this high input impedance of buffer amplifier at the operating frequency of the master oscillator. Thus, buffer amplifier isolates the MO from the succeeding stages, so that the loading effect may not change the frequency of the master oscillator.
Harmonic Generator:-
It is an electronic circuit that generates harmonics of its input frequency. The principle of harmonic generation is the same as that of a non-linear modulator. When a signal is applied to a non-linear circuit, it generates harmonics of input frequency. The desired harmonic is selected by a properly tuned circuit. The circuit uses a class C tuned amplifier.

Parts of am Transmitter:

Driver Amplifier or Intermediate Power Amplifier:-
One or more stages of a class C tuned amplifier are used to increase the power level of a carrier signal to provide a large drive to the modulated class C amplifier. The output of the harmonic generator provides a low power carrier signal. This power is amplified to raise power to desired level to drive the final amplifier stage. This stage is termed as driver amplifier or intermediate power amplifier.
Modulation system:-
The collector modulation circuit is used for modulation in high power transmitters. The modulating amplifier is a class A, or class B amplifier amplifying the base band signal.
Feeder and Antenna:-
The transmitter power is fed to a transmitting antenna for effective radiation. The length of the antenna (a conductor) should be of the order of the wavelength for effective radiation. The antenna is normally located at a distance from the transmitter and hence power from the transmitter is fed to the antenna through a properly designed transmission line called feeder.

I like to share this what is amplitude modulation with you all through my article. 
Check my best blog Extraction of organic compounds.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Extraction of organic compounds

Introduction :

The process of removing a substance from its aqueous solution by shaking with a suitable organic solvent is termed as Extraction. If the organic compounds are removed from aqueous solution, this process is called as Extraction of organic compounds.

Extraction of Organic Compounds with a Solvent

When an organic substance is present as solution in water, it can be recovered from the solution by the following steps:
  1. The aqueous solution is shaken with an immiscible organic solvent in which solute is more soluble
  2. The solvent layer is separated by means of a separating funnel.
  3. The organic substance is then recovered from it by distilling off the solvent.
Procedure: The aqueous solution is placed in a separating funnel. A small quantity of the organic solvent, say ether or chloroform, is then added to it. The organic solvent being immiscible with water will form a separate layer. The mouth of the funnel is closed with a stopper or palm of the hand and shaken gently. The solute being more soluble in the organic solvent transferred to it. The solvent layer is then separated by opening the tap and running out the lower layer. The organic substance dissolved in it is finally recovered by distilling off the solvent. It is always better to extract 2 or 3 times with smaller quantities of the solvent than once with the bulk of the solvent provided.

Extraction of Organic Compounds with Soxhlet

When an organic substance is to be recovered from a solid, it is extracted by means of an organic solvent in which the impurities are insoluble. In actual practice the extraction from solids is often tedious and requires thorough contact and heating with the solvent. This is done on special apparatus. The soxhlet extractor.
Procedure: the powdered material is placed into the thimble made of stout filter paper. The flask containing a suitable solvent is heated on a water bath or sand bath. As the solvent boils, its vapors rise through the side tube up into the water condenser. The condensed liquid drop on the solid in the thimble dissolves the organic substances and filters out. As the level of liquid rises, the solution flows back into the boiling flask. The solvent is once again vaporized, leaving behind the extracted substance in the flask. In this way a continuous stream of pure solvent drops on the solid material, extracts the soluble substances and returns to the flask. At the end of the operation the solvent in the boiling flask is distilled off, leaving the organic substance behind.

Properties of Ionic Compounds

A chemical compound in which ions are held together in a lattice structure by ionic bonds is called Ionic compounds. Normally, the positively charged portion have metal cations and the negatively charged portion is an anion or polyatomic ion.

Ions can be single atoms, or more complex groups. But an ion must have a positive or negative charge. So, in an ionic bond, one must exhibit a positive charge and the other negative one.

Chemical compounds are not strictly ionic. The most electronegative/electropositive pairs like caesium fluoride have a degree of covalency. Similarly, covalent compounds have charge separations.

Characteristics of Ionic Compounds

All atoms are electrically neutral. This is because all atoms have the same number of electrons and protons. Each electron has a negative charge of  -1 unit and each proton has a positive charge of +1 unit. Thus, the negative charge of electrons is canceled by positive charge of protons. This is the normal state of the atoms of any element.
Except for the atoms of noble gases, all elements' atoms are not stable. Here, "stable" implies a complete octet or a duplet structure. In an octet or duplet, the last shell or orbit of an atom possesses either 8 or 2 electrons respectively. When an atoms shows octet or duplet structure, it is assumed to be completely stable, and it does not take part in chemical reactions and hence, does not form compounds. All noble gases have octet or duplet electronic configuration.
Therefore the elements' atoms, except noble gases, always attempt to attain an octet or a duplet. In order to do so, they either lose, gain or share electrons. When an atom has lesser than 4 electrons in its valence shell, it tends to lose these valence electrons so as to become stable. When an atom has more than 4 electrons in its valence shell, it tends to gain 3, 2 or 1 electrons to attain stability.
Generally, metals (alkali metals and alkaline earth metals) tend to lose electrons, and nonmetals (group 17 elements mainly) tend to gain these electrons. Thus, metal atoms become positively charged ions and non metal atoms become negatively charged ions, and as unlike charges attract each other, so these ions get attracted by strong electrostatic forces and form a compound called an ionic compound, whose chemical bond is called an ionic or electrovalent chemical bond.
Ionic compounds have strong electrostatic bonds present between particles. They normally have very high melting and boiling points. They exhibit good electrical conductivity when present in molten or in aqueous solution. As ionic inorganic compounds are solids at room temperature and form crystals.


Following the phrase, "like dissolves like", ionic compounds easily dissolve in polar solvents, and those which ionize with water and ionic liquids. They are appreciably soluble in other polar solvents like alcohols, acetone and di-methyl sulfoxide. Ionic compounds do not tend to dissolve in nonpolar solvents like diethyl ether or petrol.

The oppositely charged ions in the solid ionic lattice are surrounded by opposite pole of the polar molecule which try to pull them out of the lattice to the liquid. When the force applied is more than the electrostatic attraction of the lattice, the ions gets into the liquid and dissolves in it.

Electricity Conductivity

Solid ionic compounds are mot able to conduct electricity as there are no mobile ions or electrons present in the lattice. When the ionic compunds are dissolved in a liquid or molten form, they can conduct electricity with the mobile ions.

Physical state:-

Ionic compounds exist in the form of crystalline solids (at room temperature).

This is because their constituent particles are ions, and the strong attractive forces between the oppositely charged ions hold them closer and lock them in fixed positions in the crystal structure of the solid.

Lattice structure:-

The lattice of a substance can be considered as the structure of its crystal which is visible under a microscope.
The constituent particles being oppositely charges ions, the electrostatic forces between the oppositely charged ions cause the ions to be arranged closely, in a geometric patter in the lattice. For example, in Sodium Chloride (NaCl), the ions are arranged in a cubic lattice such that each sodium ion is surrounded by 6 chlorine ions and each chlorine ion is surrounded by six sodium ions. Thus, ionic compounds do not show a molecular arrangement.

Let us look at the reasons why ionic compounds have high melting points:

The melting points of ionic compounds are usually high. Crystals are formed by almost all ionic compounds. Salts readily form crystals by forming stacking groups with the small amounts of electrical negative and positive charges. The crystals thus formed are very big molecules with large amounts of positive and negative charges that are stuck together. A massive amount of energy is required for breaking the opposite charged ions apart. This breaking apart of the oppositely charged ions requires additional energy, which is supplied when the compound is heated. At increased temperatures, the energy supplied to the compound is more for breaking it up forming oppositely charged positive and negative ions, which further melts. Hence, during laboratory experiments, the melting of ionic compounds may not achieved by heating on a Bunsen burner, since the melting points of these ionic compounds are very high.
Ionic compounds due to the high electro negativity have high melting points and the strong intermolecular forces between results in an increase in the melting points of ionic compounds. The ionic bonding between the oppositely charged negative and positive ions involved in the formation of an ionic compound is very strong, which makes the compound very stable and hence requires high temperatures for the bonds to break apart and further melting of the ionic compound.

Examples of Ionic Compounds:

Table salt NaCl,

Zinc chloride ZnCl,

Copper Floride CuF2,

Sodium hydroxide NaOH,

Potassium hydroxide KOH,

Potassium permanganate K2Cr2O7